Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Whats in my bag?

So, I didn't get any mail today. :( Sooo, I decided to do something different! I'm going to do a "What's in my bag?" post! I'm kind of known for carrying a massive bag and a ridiculous amount of stuff. My grandma always comments on how heavy it is when she moves it around!

Speaking of grandma! We are going apartment hunting for my grandma on Thursday! Yay! My grandmother is renting out her home in Southern California, near Los Angeles, to her pastor and is moving up here to Northern California to be with us! Woot! My mom is an only child, so being the only grandchildren, she wants to be closer. I'm really excited! And she has expensive tastes, so we get to look at nice apartments and I get to photograph them all and send gram the pictures! Is it weird that I'm excited for that? haha.

Something even weirder and off topic, but I thought it was cool...my mother interacts with the United States Secret Service! Crazy, right?! My mom does the money counting/accounting for a major retailer here in the states (Walmart.) and a couple were passing fake $100 bills multiple times in the store and they caught them. And the Secret Service got them and picked up the evidence in person! I thought it was awesome. You know, minus the people getting arrested by the federal government. Anywho, on to the photo!

Mom bought me this bag for Christmas and I love it! She did such a great job!

And inside my cute Little Twin Stars Bag! I keep all of my emergency stuff in there. Make-up, mouthwash, sweetener, etc.

I hope I get some mail tomorrow! I've got to get up and go to class earlier than normal. :/ Blahh.

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